[announcement_box header=”LEARN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE HIRING AN HVAC COMPANY” header_expose=”Grab a copy of our free ebook, and learn about how we can save you time, worry, and money.” button_label=”GET HVAC eBOOK” button_url=”http://www.greencityheatingandair.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/EverythingYouMustKnowBeforeHiringanHVACCompanyByGreenCityHeating2017.pdf” icon=”ruler” button_hover_text_color=”#ed1c24″][box_header title=”RECENT PROJECTS” type=”h2″ bottom_border=”1″][vc_column_text]Here are a few of many heating and air conditioning projects we have completed for customers in the Puget Sound region. Each project showcases our ability to find best-fit solutions for a broad spectrum heating and cooling challenges unique to the Pacific Northwest climate.[/vc_column_text][re_projects items_per_page=”4″ ids=”2185,2188,2193,2180″ headers=”1″ read_more=”1″ top_margin=”page-margin-top”][vc_column_text].[/vc_column_text]